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Clans are a way for players to have easier communication and grouping in Hordes.

Clan Tags will be shown next to the player's name above their head.

Vanguard Clan tags will be shown in royal navy blue.

Bloodlust Clan tags will be shown in crimson blood.

The Clan UI can be opened with "G" by default, or by clicking on the Clan Icon.

Clan Creation

To create a clan:

  1. Log onto your character.
  2. Click on the Clan Icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click "Create Clan".
  4. Type in the Clan Name. (up to 20 characters, alphabetical only)
  5. Type in the Clan Tag. (up to 4 characters, alphabetical and some symbols allowed)
  6. Click "Create".
  • Note: It costs 10 00 00 to create a clan.

Inviting Players

To Invite players to Clan:

  1. Log onto your character.
  2. Click on the Clan Icon in the top right corner.
  3. Under "Invite Players" type in the player's name that you want to invite.
  4. Click "Invite Player".

Joining Clans

There are 2 ways to join Clans:

  1. Receive Clan Invitation.
  2. Send Clan Application.

Accepting Clan Invitations

  1. Log onto your character.
  2. Click on the Clan Icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click on "View Invitations".
  4. If you have an invitation it will display the Clan Name and Clan Tag.
  5. Click "Accept" on the Clan Invitation you want to join.

Sending Clan Application

  1. Go to Main Page.
  2. Click on "Clans" on the top of your screen.
  3. On "Search by Name" type the Clan's name you want to join.
  4. Click on the Clan you want to join.
  5. Under "Apply to clan (request invitation)" choose the character you want to apply.
  6. Click "Apply".

Managing Clan Members

To manage Clan Members roles or kicking them:

  1. Log onto Character with clan Owner.
  2. Click on the Clan Icon in the top right corner.
  3. Under "Member" right-click on the member that you want to manage.
  4. Click on which action you want to take.

Clan Roles

Clan Roles are assigned to members by higher ranking players of a Clan.

In total there are 4 roles:

A Member Member of the Clan.

  • Access to Clan Chat

An Assistant Member of the Clan.

  • Access to Clan Chat
  • Can Invite Players

An Officer of the Clan.

  • Access to Clan Chat
  • Can Invite Players
  • Can Kick Players
  • Can Promote Players to Assistant

An Owner of the Clan.

  • Access to Clan Chat
  • Can Invite Players
  • Can Kick Players
  • Can Promote Players to Assistant
  • Can Promote Players to Officer
  • Can Promote Players to Owner

Clan Information

Clan Information is the general information that you can find on a clan page.

Clan Level is the level of the clan, with each level the capacity of the clan increases by 2.
Capacity is the number of players that can join the clan, the capacity can be increased by leveling the clan.
Next Level is the reward unlocked for the next level of the clan.
Tax Rate is when players pick up gold or sell something a bit of the gold gets reduced according to the clan's tax rate and goes to the clan treasury.
Members is the number of members in the clan.
Online is the number of players online in that clan.
Fame is the total amount of fame of all the clan members.
Treasury is the gold that gets taxed from players. The clan treasury has no current use.
Clan EXP gets increased by +60 EXP an hour per player online in the clan.

Clan Leaderboards

Clan leaderboards can be found on the Main Page of Hordes by clicking on "Clans" on the top of your screen.

The Leaderboards are categorized into 4 categories.

  • Members
  • Level
  • Fame
  • Treasury

You can sort the categories by pressing on them.

Link to clan leaderboards:

Leave Clan

To leave clan:

  1. Log onto your character.
  2. Click on the Clan Icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click on your character's name in the member list.
  4. Click "Leave Clan".