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Classes play an important part in the gameplay of Hordes. Each class is very unique and has its own strengths and weaknesses.

There are four Classes in Hordes.

Warriors are built to tank more monsters than any other class by having high defense through equipment (Shields) and strong defensive buffs.

The Warrior is usually the main focus in a farming party since he is tasked to draw aggro from monsters most of the time and requires healing, in wars Warriors either fight in the frontline disrupting spell casting and shielding parties from mage bombardment, or cause mayhem in the opponent's back ranks.

durring gloomfury the warrior can tank to get items very easily but you need shamans in you party

Mages deal very heavy large-scale Area of Effect damage, while also providing utility through slowing targets with their ice-based magic.

The Mage is an extremely powerful DPS class in parties. With high-scale AOE their expertise, they can help an entire party to farm extremely efficiently. They are very important during wars as they can incapaciate single targets, root players in place, and, when given the chance, will not hesitate to dive right into the heat of battle, and start throwing out pain everywhere.

Archers deal high single target damage and bursty Area of Effect damage. A good archer will always keep their distance and snipe enemies from afar.

The Archer is very useful for taking down bosses in parties and finishing off players that are low on health very quickly. When a player is on low health without any protection, they are likely to be finished off by them.

The Shaman's role is to support the group by healing the Tank and offering offensive Buffs or crippling Debuffs.

The Shaman is a necessity to have in almost any party, since the healing allow for greater survivability, and Canine Howl can be used to efficiently used to mow down mobs, or turn the tides of battle in a huge war.