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The Merchant is an NPC in Hordes that lets you sell and buy items on the global market between players.

"Well, look what we have here! No, that equipment won’t do, will it? Take a look at the open market! Rumors are spreading; I’ve heard of Warcry Scrolls that can teleport a friend to your position. Let’s just keep that between us, okay?"

Image: Merchant
Image: Merchant

Auction House

The Merchant lets you sell your items for any price to other players and also lets you buy items from other players.

Posting items for sale requires tax.

All items bought at the Merchant go to your Stash.


The Merchant is located in the spawn of Guardstone.

Here is his location (red points) in both factions spawns.

Auction Limits & Upgrades

The Merchant's item post limit on the global market is 10 items at once per account. The item auction limit can be upgraded from 10 items to 100 items with a Elixir subscription.

The Merchant's item auction duration is 12 hours till it gets de-listed if no one buys the item and then it gets sent back to your stash. The item auction duration can be upgraded from 12 hours to 48 hours with a Elixir subscription.